His name...growing popular around the country, Leon Marin is an up & coming music artist hailing from Gowanus Housing, Brooklyn, NY. He was raised by his mother, Maria, Marin & his father, Felix Marin until his father passed away when Leon was 9 years of age. Being raised by his mother made Leon extra sensitive when it came to issues such as criticism, religion, politics, women, & of course, feedback. His style was cultivated from his mother because she used to dress him every morning to go to school until she felt he was old enough to pick out his own clothing. His childhood has it's up's & downs. While young, Leon attended Public School 32 & found it to be very hard for him to get along with other children because the other kids projected their selves to be "gangsters". During the transition from 2nd grade to 3rd grade, Leon's mother, Maria Marin, transferred Leon to a catholic school called, "Sacred Hearts & St. Stephens School". From here on, the reason he started music began. 3rd grade for Leon was like any normal 3rd grader; some homework here & there, some up's and some downs. The worst downfall for Leon was when his father passed away. When father's day came around, Leon's teacher at the time named Mrs. Delores asked Leon to write a poem about his father & explained that she wanted him to go in depth if it wasn't too much to ask for. The next day, Leon came in with a poem titled "My Father Who Is Gone" which shocked the entire class. Ms. Delores immediately told Leon that he had a gift and should utilize it to the maximum. From 3rd grade to 8th grade, Leon was writing poetry. It went from one book, to two books, to three books, & so on. When Leon got accepted into Xaverian High School, he then started to etch his poems onto beats/instrumentals. At first, he was pretty ruff because new beginnings are always difficult from the start. Eventually, he progressed and started to develop a name in his school. Leon's first encounter as far as a studio was in his room. He has an Apple Mac Home computer & used it to record on a program called "Garage Band". His music was told that it was good but what was lacking the most was the quality of the music. At the time, Leon had no idea about quality because this was his real time recording any of his material. Eventually he met with a production team called "Ready Rock Productions". The producer of Ready Rock believed that Leon had talent and as long as it was honed in the right way, Leon would be a star. Since new beginnings call for new callings, Leon's stage name was changed from "Leon Marin" to "Lemair". Lemair was a shortened way of saying Leon Marin. The production team felt that Leon Marin was nothing special. At the time, Leon was too scared to take music seriously because he focused on people's feedback more than his own music. The bad feedback caused him to pass up an opportunity with Ready Rock Productions. Eventually, Leon was contacted by Brian B.Fury Maldonado, whom was a man that believed in Leon's talent but didn't believe he was using it to it's full potential. From a facebook message, Leon & Brian met up & discussed what they were planning to do with the future. They started with a promo video for Leon & eventually started to make music videos for Leon. As Leon developed talent wise, Brian & his partner, Tony Sanchez developed their talents using a camera. They eventuall became "Reel Team Films" which consists of Brian "B.Fury" Maldonado, Tony "Big Tone" Sanchez, & Hector "Boom" Machado. Prior to Leon & Brian meeting, Leon was already under contract with his manager, Rhonda Valdez. Being that Rhonda was there before Brian, Rhonda had an upper hand. Rhonda got Leon signed to an independent label called "FlyteClub Records". Since Brian was in the picture, dishing Leon free videos & getting him shows, Leon questioned Rhonda's true agenda as a manager because she wasn't doing anything for him. Eventually, Leon & Rhonda ended in bad terms & Brian became Leon's Manager. Since then, Leon has released two mixtapes. His first was titled, "Food 4 Thought" & his second, which is his most recent, was titled, "L.E.O.N. - Love Everything Over Nothing". Brian is no longer Leon's manager due to lack of time between their lifestyles. Leon also had a fall out with FlyteClub Records due to the two seeing different directions of where he thought his music should go. They basically weren't fulfilling his needs as an artist so he decided to go solo. Since Then, Leon has met with Olivia "Liv" Newton-Atwell through his producer-friend, Christian Milo. Having an immediate liking to Leon's personality, music, & style, Olivia took a liking to Leon & eventually started managing him on her management company, "LivLife Productions LLC". Since then, Leon has been introduced to Lost A.K.A. Trevor Deblase through his rapper-friend, Lucky B. Leon also formed an alliance with Lost's Team, "Lost Productions." Brian & Leon's fall out hasn't stopped him from dealing with Reel Team Films so Brian became Leon's official video guy. Leon is now managed by LivLife Productions LLC, is teamed up with Lost Productions, & is also dealing with Reel Team Films for his videos. He's on the road to success and if you'd like to join this path with him, join him. The road starts now.
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